Pure Love/Why Spirituality is Important

Dear Christopher Michael,

Come, lay down.  Relax.  I’m just going to hold you and sing to you. But first:

You see, I think I’ve figured it out.  We were supposed to meet that night at the airport.  It was perfect serendipity, perfect timing because it was the Divine’s way of putting the perfect person to heal the hurt we’d carried and learned to live with for so long. We didn’t know it yet, but we were going to do something metamorphic for each other.  We were enamored by each other, full and tickled just by the thought of the other.  In these short few months we experienced what it was like to have a connection that was uncharted.  For me, that meant someone who restored my perception of a healthy relationship.  I was with an honest guy, and he adored me.  Oh how I love being adored.  In addition to all of that, you became a vital part of this pivotal moment in my life.  You supported and encouraged my coming to as I realized how I’d serve my eternal role in healing this world, and because of this, you became and are someone who is so special to me.  Knowing all that you’ve done for me, it bothered me that I didn’t know what I was doing for you.  It wasn’t until I finally said out  loud that I was ready to “just be friends” with you that I was able to remove myself from the selfish needs and realize what my time with you meant.  Now, you may have your own reasons, but this is what I concluded: I was here to remind you of innocence…of pure, innocent, and honest love.  Love is playful, never manipulating.  It’s a laughter that makes you laugh, a bright light that makes you shine brighter.  Love is the arms that are holding you.  You see, I was sent to give you love.  From your past relationships, you’ve mentioned that the biggest issue has been unreciprocated love.  And here I come, into your life, with a rap and a book.  It came so naturally for me to find ways to make you happy.  I just want to make you happy.  You give so much love.  From your mom, your relationships, to your students, you give and give and give.  Well, I’m here to remind you how to receive it.

I’m going to sing love over you.  I just want you to relax and be open to receiving.  Feel the love in my voice vibrating in your cells, let it seep to your heart then to your soul.  Allow it to release any previous holds you can’t let go of.  It’s ok to let go.  It’s ok to forgive and be forgiven.  Allow yourself to be vulnerable.  You are in the safe arms of love and this is the love that isn’t materially fleeting or momentarily satisfying.  This is the love I’ve felt for you from the very beginning.  This is the love that has always been, the love that is time irrelevant.

I’ve loved you for who you are.

I’ve loved you for who you are as the person you are in my life.

I love you, Christopher Michael.

The truth is, I can love you and it’ll be good.  But good doesn’t cut it.  The love I have to offer you has to be pure, blameless, and honest.  You know when I sing, I sing in meditation of the Lord.  He is my source for the power in my voice…and He’s also my source for pure love.  I am selfish, prideful, and hurtful to people even when I don’t mean to be.  I can’t love the way I can today if it wasn’t for His pure love.  So before I can even share love, I need to connect with the first song.  You just work on fully relaxing, clearing and surrendering your mind, body, and soul to my voice.  Let it resonate within you as I show you just how much love you can receive.


Jesus Loves Me

Slow Him Down

“Abby” Replied

This is why spirituality is so important to me.  I heal with love and He is the ultimate source of Love. Without him, I am a sinner separated from God.  But God loved the world so he sent Jesus Christ to die (For God so loved the World, He sent) as the ultimate sacrifice (For the wages of sin is death).  He made me blameless and forgiven before our God.  Since I can now come made pure before our God, I have received pure, perfect, and unconditional Love (God is Love).  I can then share that love with others to heal them.  Perfect love casts out fear, it brings joy, whatever they need because ultimately, we all need to be loved and the ultimate source of that fully satisfying everlasting love is God.

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