Nonsensical to Purpose Driven Life

What is my life? I don’t know. Just seems like a bunch of nonsense. All the time. — From Lauren W.’s status

Reply: Hi! This just popped up on my newsfeed and I felt compelled to comment. Obviously I don’t know what’s happening in your life exactly, but from one soul living a confusing ass human life to another, I thought this may help. Finding my purpose is what helped guide my life from “a bunch of nonsense” to a more direct and sensible one. I know it sounds super cheesy, but it’s not like finding what big kid career I want to work for the rest of my life or whatever, it’s something more fundamental. The idea is to keep it simple. For me, my purpose is to Share Love and Light. I took what was natural about me and geared it towards benefiting all. I recognized a pattern throughout my life and realized that I was naturally given an approachable personality and it made being genuine very easy. I noticed that people gravitated to me when they would have problems. When I would share my advice or encouragement, I realized what I was sharing was healing their soul more than anything. Behind it all, everyone needs a little love and everyone needs a little light. I share Love and Light because I pull from the very Divine source that resonates with my soul and with those of whom I share it with. All the other directions and answers of life will follow because then you’ll be able to recognize what is in line with your purpose and what is really “nonsense”. ^.^

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